fixing a corrupted mysql database that does not want to start up

Just this week I was trying to load an old WordPress website I had lurking locally on my PC. I hadn’t touched it in months to the point where I forgot what stage of development I was on. My setup in this case was a Xampp server and through it I would load both Apache and MySql, then open up PhpMyAdmin and just fiddle in there. Straight away I was facing an issue when clicking on the Start button in Xampp to fire up MySql. Don’t know what was up with it so naturally I opened up the mysql_error.log file. There were a bunch of different ones but the predominant one was this one.

[ERROR] InnoDB: Page [page id: space=0, page number=307] log sequence number 45608603 is in the future! Current system log sequence number 45109372.
[ERROR] InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt or you may have copied the InnoDB tablespace but not the InnoDB log files. Please refer to for information about forcing recovery.

Without sounding like a MySql expert (because really and truly I’m not and the only times I ever used was for little WordPress projects) the solution that worked for me was stopping anything that was running on Xampp and open command prompt in admin mode. I would then simply execute the following command.

mysqld --skip-grant-tables

MySql would then show as running on Xampp, if Apache was not running then turn it back on, and hopefully you should be able to navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. Hope this was useful as it was to me, thanks for reading!

debugging php with visual studio code

Besides managing this blog I also manage my rugby club’s website, Falcons RFC, a collection web pages with a basic understanding of the club’s news, sections and fixtures. A newer version of the website was developed using WordPress and was launched just this month. The vast amount of plugins and themes available for WordPress users makes developing a new website fairly easier especially if the only time available is late at night after a whole day of work and training. Having said that, there’s always that little bit of customisation that needs to be done and most of the time you have to get hands on, open a text editor and have a look at the code.

As it’s commonly known WordPress relies heavily on PHP and to be honest with you the last time I coded in PHP was some 5 years ago back in my university days and thus my PHP is a bit rusty. This means that I needed a good IDE/text editor that is capable of debugging PHP. After a quick Google research, my conclusion left me with three options; a proper PHP IDE such as PhpStorm, a text editor that supports debugging (possibly with the help of an extension), or a web browser’s extension that focuses mainly on debugging PHP such as FirePHP. I decided to go with the second option and as the title of this blog post suggests the text editor I work with is Visual Studio Code.

I haven’t used Visual Studio Code extensively but I do like the feel of this piece of software. There are loads of extensions (to make you more productive or to customise the interface), quite a strong community and it performs well too! I found this extension, PHP Debug, that at first glance looks like it can help me debug my PHP code. PHP Debug relies on XDebug, a PHP extension, in order to get the debugging up an running.

First thing you want to do, assuming you have a local web server running and PHP installed on it (in my case I have XAMPP), is create a PHP file (name it info.php for instance) and place it in the root of your local web server. Paste the following code in this PHP file and access it from your web browser by writing localhost/info.php in the address bar.


The output should be a list of current PHP versions, configurations, web server directories and other relevant details. Right click anywhere and then click on View Page Source. Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C and paste it in the XDebug Tailored Installation Instructions. Download the recommended DLL (if running on Windows) and paste the downloaded file in your PHP extension folder. The directory should be pointed out by the results of the XDebug Tailored Installation Instructions too. Locate your php.ini and open it with a text editor such as Notepad (Your info.php web page should tell you where your php.ini file is, in the Loaded Configuration File section). Add the following code at the bottom of the file, save and close.

xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1

Restart your web server and if Visual Studio Code was running restart it too. Being safe never hurt anyone :). From Visual Studio Code, locate the Debug tab from the left menu, click on it and then click on the Settings gear found right next to the drop down menu to open the launch.json. Two new configurations should show on screen, Listen for XDebug and Launch currently open script. Save, again just to be safe, and now you should be able to debug your PHP code. Setting a break point is done by clicking and activating a red dot just on the left of the line numbers or else right click and Add Breakpoint. Hit the F5 button to start your debugging session.

Up till now I haven’t used Visual Studio Code and PHP Debug much so I might come across some issues but following these instructions should be enough to get you going. In the meantime if I have any updates regarding this extension I’ll update it in this same blog post. If you have issues comment below and I’ll try and help you as much as I can from my end.

On a side note I would like to wish all my readers a happy new year, since Christmas is over already, and see you guys in my next blog post 🙂
