a new blog

I’ve been wanting to make my presence felt on the web for months, just a small application but enough to have my own space where I can share my thoughts. Today, whilst driving back home I decided that a blog would be ideal to share my software developer ideas and ideally help others who might be stuck on an issue.

The idea behind this blog is to casually write posts about coding, a mixture of languages, with the intention of helping others out. It could be a student who just started using HTML and is finding it hard to finish their assignment or a more experienced professional who is stuck on an SQL query but maybe a different perspective is all they need to overcome that hurdle.

If in any of my posts you happen to notice any technical errors, or even grammatical errors, do contact me and I’ll be sure to update it. At the end of the day no one is perfect and I’m no where close to perfection.

I opted for WordPress, one of the most popular (if not the most) CMS which is free to use, with lots of support and an endless list of plugins and themes. You’re probably thinking that as a software developer I should have developed my own application and whilst I fully agree with you, at the same time I wanted an application which is low maintenance so that I can focus more on the posts and its content. Unfortunately I live quite a busy life so I went for efficiency with minimum time wasting.

That’s a wrap for today so stay tuned for future posts and see y’all soon.

Peace out,